Sunday, October 18, 2009

Welcome to the World Elisabeth-Jane!

We are so excited to have our little Elisabeth-Jane. I decided that this might be the best way to document her life so I am now catching up. Jane's due date was Christmas Day but we decided with Dr. Huggins, to get induced on the 23rd. It was amazing. We dropped Emma off at Devon and Graham's early in the morning and got to the hospital at 7 a.m. We came prepared with books and movies. They started the pitocin and basically before I even felt too much pain the nurse came in and said "well, the anesthesiologist is on this floor, do you want the epidural now?" Oh yeah. So I got the epidural and then Derek and I watched a movie while we waited. Jane's heart beat kept speeding up. The nurse came in around 5 p.m. and said that if the baby was alright then Margaret would come over after her last appointment at the office. I knew something wasn't right because the nurse looked at the heart monitor and then said she would get Dr. Huggins. Luckily I only had to push a couple times and Janie came out. I loved how protective of us and Jane, Margaret was. Once again we had meconium so before Jane came out Margaret informed the nurses that she would be cleaning up Jane and suctioning the gunk out of her mouth.

Jane didn't cry when she came out. It took me a few minutes to realize that something wasn't right. Margaret suctioned Jane but then they put oxygen on her. The nurse kept raising and dropping her little arms and saying "she's just a little shocky." Jane wasn't responding at all. Derek and I were crying. Of course I was freaking out. I have never been so scared in my life. Just writing about it brings all of the emotions back. After maybe 7-10 minutes Jane was breathing on her own, but they wisked her down to the NICU for a couple hours.

Here is our beautiful little Janie. They wheeled me down to the NICU so I could see her. The first thing I noticed was her cute little dimple and her light hair. It was so hard to not be able to hold her. On top of everything, I hadn't been able to eat all day. I was throwing up so much that I couldn't hold Jane. I wanted to just enjoy her.

Finally I got to officially meet little Jane. What a good baby. She was definitely sleepier than Emma, so much that I couldn't get her to eat.

Dearest Little Jane,
Daddy, mommy, and Emma love you so much! We are so excited that you are now a part of our family. We anticipated your birth. You are an amazing little girl with such a sweet disposition.
Love you baby!